
This morning after reading my daily Oswald Chambers devo and listening to my online Bible plan (M’Cheyne)—which just happened to be in Leviticus and Proverbs—I began to wonder: How can one be sure they’ve always followed “the plan” of God? Is it possible to be on the right path but still miss God’s will in specific moments? What then? How does one recover what was unintentionally lost?

After turning this over in my mind throughout the day I was reminded of something my father used to tell me over and over when I was young: “YOU are the will of God. Whatever you do or don’t do means less to him than the work he’ll do in you.”

Does God want to use us as lights in this dark world? Yes. But more important than our usefulness is our willingness to be molded, like clay in a potters hand.

My husband often says that the most important thing anyone can do is make sure they’re going the right direction. Direction determines destination. And the destination for all who follow Jesus is a deeper understanding and closeness to him.

Can our weaknesses and frailties hinder us from recognizing “God’s will” in specific moments? Only if we’re leaning on our flesh. More often than not, those same weaknesses keep us moving toward the Lord for strength and wisdom. “In our weakness, his power is perfected.”

What a comfort.

Today I was also reminded of this (and many other) songs the Lord has given me:

The Lord is my Shepherd, he leads me
He hears my prayers, they reach him
He bears my anxieties
He will not fail to shield me
From all my enemies
The Lord is my Shepherd, he leads me

The Lord is my Shepherd, he leads me
He knows my heart he heals it
He will not fail to shield me
From all my enemies
The Lord is my Shepherd, he leads me


Even when it’s quiet; he’s leading. When we’re unsure, he’s quite sure. He is faithful. He cannot fail.

I’m posting this so that in a few years when I’m asking these questions again, I’ll remember: the Lord is my Shepherd. And I’m sure there are a few others who needed this reminder tonight: We can’t change the past but we can ensure a fruitful future filled with many “God’s will” moments by focusing on maintaining connection with our Shepherd.

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Silent Saturday