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For several months I have heard the words, “take it easy” and “please rest” over and over. Great advice. The best (and only) way for over-used or injured muscles to heal is for the body to have some time to completely rest. Sleeping is especially important. However, for some reason, no matter how much pain I have been in, I have found it absolutely impossible to obey those instructions. (For example: although I am currently loaded up with steroids and a narcotic, instead of sleeping, I am typing up this blog.) I have found that the more pain I am experiencing, the harder it is for me to be still. I’ve always had this tendency (even if I had the flu, I’d get up and do something, go somewhere, run, or clean¬—my way of keeping my “mind” off of how I was feeling) but this time it’s actually hindering my recovery.

There’s a spiritual application here . . .

Some people have a really hard time admitting they are seriously injured. After the initial blow they try to ignore the pain, pretending it didn’t happen. If that doesn’t work, they try to “tough it out,” never stopping to deal with the issue, or do what is necessary to heal/be restored.

Sometimes this approach is ok—some “hurts” are minor, need little attention, and heal quickly. But if the injury is severe, ignoring it will not make it go away. And “toughing it out” will not make a person stronger but will have the reverse effect.

If we’re wounded we need to first admit it, then deal with it. We should never ignore a serious problem, issue (especially sin), or wound. Instead of running away and ignoring the problem, we need to ‘actively” pursue healing (the Healer).

“Rest” {Jesus is our rest} will come and will heal us. It might take more time than we anticipated, but He will come, IF we choose to let Him.

This could be longer but since I need to practice what I preach… I am CHOOSING to stop!

Peace & REST,


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