Site icon Stephanie Staples

Wedding Bells

“But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting anxiously for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to eternal life. And have mercy on some, who are doubting; save others, snatching them out of the fire; and on some have mercy with fear, hating even the garment polluted by the flesh.” Jude 1:20-23


July 23, 2009 – Update: Wedding Bells!

Hey all!

Well, in 38 days I will be an old married woman. Yes, that’s right. I will be 25 at the end of this month (a quarter of a century old) and I get married on August 30th. How quickly life can change!

Thank you for your continued prayers and support as I step into this new season. I’m so excited about what Jesus is doing. 🙂

I’ll be getting back to the recording business as soon as I get back from my honeymoon. So get ready for the new CD!

Stay faithful and stay strong – He is!

How blessed is the man whose strength is in You. In whose heart are the highways to Zion! ~Psalm 84:5


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