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Heard a message this morning that put into words what my heart’s cry/subconscious mission in life is: To Invade, Awaken/Invite, Instruct. Never thought about it in those terms before, but that is truly what ambassadors for Christ are called to do.

All believers are called to be missionaries—to be “carriers“ of Christ’s presence and to be constantly in tune with our Lord so that every encounter, every conversation, with our “neighbors,” will result in Him being glorified. It’s not something a true Christian has to strive to do, it happens naturally—supernaturally, when we are connected with and empowered by God.

God desires for everyone to know Him, for everyone to finally “make a connection” with Him. Those of us who have been “adopted” into His family have been charged with the same purpose as Christ: to testify of God’s goodness, love, and power.

Here are a few notes I jotted down from the message (in my own words):

(The message was based on John 4:1-42.)

A Christian is called to be like Jesus.

Jesus came to everyone with the intent to invade. Yes, He was and is an intrusive gentleman. He reached(es) out to people where they were… but He didn’t allow cultural norms/”acceptable” political/religious behavior to dictate His approach. Led by God’s spirit, He spoke and acted according to God’s wisdom, not mans. He knows exactly how to reach every person. His goal: to bring the supernatural to the natural. To explain Life, and to transform lives.

Jesus wasn’t afraid to get up close and personal. Again, he was intrusive. He “invaded.” Gently and humbly, sarcastically and sometimes seemingly arrogantly, one time even violently (used a whip to overturn the tables in the temple), always passionately… whatever it took to get His point across, He did. He lived for nothing else, He died for nothing else, He rose for nothing else, and He still lives for the same mission: to make God known.

He was personal and approachable. He allowed people to ask questions and answered them honestly—often in ways they did not expect.

He was honest. He spoke truth, regardless of how the person might respond. He wasn’t afraid to expose—but exposed with caution. He knew when it was time to “plow” and when it was time to plant. Again, He came with intent: to make God known. To awaken so He could free.

Yes, He had an agenda, a mission. But His agenda was not “human” in nature. It was selfless. His mission was to “awaken” his neighbors (his friends, family, and anyone else he encountered along the way) to the reality of God. How did He do this? Again, by invading, awakening, and instructing. And He often did those three things by simply making conversation. “He told me everything I ever did” said the Samaritan woman. He saw her in her desperate state, did not condemn her but instead talked to her about Life. The conversation awakened her to realize her need for Living water. His words (and the power animating them) “awakened” her desires for Truth and Life. He offered her peace.

His behavior was sometimes offensive, but it was never obnoxious. It was only offensive to those who were afraid of being challenged or shaken or to those who insisted on blending into society. To those who loved and understood His love for humanity, nothing He said or did, regardless of how it was received, was deemed “inappropriate.” Unfortunately, it took quite a while for even His disciples to realize why He did and said so many “faux pas” things.

I want to be like Jesus. But His life was one of sorrow. Sometimes I don’t think I can handle that. But when I consider the light I find in His presence, the peace I have in the midst of my “storms” and the love I experience when I rest in His arms, nothing I go through will ever compare with an eternity spent with Him.

Selfishly, I want comfort. I want to fit in. I want to “blend,” to be “normal.” But when I stand before Him someday and look into His face, I’d rather Him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” I want Him to recognize me as a woman who lived her life like Christ lived His: for God’s agenda.

Of course, this is impossible apart from Grace… and it will take a lifetime for me to “master” walking in my Master’s steps. In fact, I’m pretty sure I’ll never “arrive.” But regardless, I “press on to lay hold of that for which I was laid hold of by Christ” (Phil 3:12) He is faithful.

Celebrate Life this week by sharing yours. Be open, honest, get personal. Don’t be afraid to “invade.” Obviously, use good judgment—listen to the Voice of Your Father. But don’t let insecurities or cultural norms dictate your behavior. Let your Master do that.

Much love and many thanks for all of your prayers and support over the past few months!

Psalm 121
Joshua 21:45

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