The Calling of the Artist

“Art inspires us to build a better world.” (A quote from one my favorite cheesy Christmas movies.) I’m not sure if that statement is completely true, but there is at least an element of truth to it. Art is one of the few things in life that has the ability remind us of our need, and that is a good thing. Art causes us to long for “something more” and inspires us to pursue it. Art is proof that “something more” is out there because that “something more” seems to loom behind every painting, song, poem, photograph or good book. In this way, art has the potential to be very powerful.

Art is not always beautiful. In this world there is light AND darkness and good art will depict both. A song does not have to be classified “uplifting” to uplift the soul. If a song is true, it will always inspire the listener to move toward truth, even if the truth in the song is unpleasant. (Who doesn’t want to make a difference in the world after looking at a photograph of starving children in Africa? Yes, even unpleasant art has the power to uplift.) Just as a love song makes almost everyone long for or appreciate love, a song about injustice can cause the listener to desire to be more just or generous.

In Madeline L’Engle’s book, “Walking on Water” she describes the role of an artist as being a calling—whether the person is a musician, poet, painter, or writer, if someone has been given an artistic gift they have a responsibility to use it . . . and use it responsibly. She challenges the artist to make time for the Master Artist to create through us. In her opinion, any art that depicts truth is inspired by the Master Artist, whether the lesser artist is aware of it or not. An interesting perspective and probably mostly true. God speaks through art, just as he speaks through nature, because art is intended to bring us to truth, to reflect his very nature (justice, mercy, faithfulness, love), and to cause us to long to be filled with it.

Imagine if we “lesser” artists did our best to “tune in” better to the Master Artist? How very powerful our art would be! Sometimes we do . . . sometimes we don’t. When we do, even WE can tell the difference.

So, fellow artists, whatever your art: tap in! Make time for the Master Artist to create through you. Derive your inspiration from HIM—a pure fountain of creativity, and your art will be distinguished and empowered by his presence. He will use your art to inspire and perhaps even bring about change in the world (or someone’s life). With HIM all things are possible.



“Then he said to Him, ‘If Your presence does not go with us, do not lead us up from here. For how then can it be known that I have found favor in Your sight, I and Your people? Is it not by Your going with us, so that we, I and Your people, may be distinguished from all the other people who are upon the face of the earth?’” Exodus 33:15-16

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